Blood dances to a wildly beating heart, as
Warmth flares from deep within quintessence
Creating shivers that belie the
One grows moist while the other tumesces
They both strive to slow the racing paces
Begging time to tarry at a command, a wish
Holding the moment at bay, lest it overcome them.

The sight of sunlight on her skin maddens him.
The smell of his soap grips her loins in a clench
Senses betray them, fuel their desire, kindling.

Let tongues dance, let them cavort
Into shameless fantasy.
Let their orbits twine
Across the gilded
Torn in haste, welcoming
There is no resistance,
Only the push and pull of common fever,
Insistent intimacy,
Unfounded by the fire in their blood
Without breath, without sound.

Oh, that spot, right there -
His touch thrills her beyond capacity.
Her mouth clasps him, draws him in deep
Slippery friction in a heated core
He overspills his lust in flame and fever,
Gasps and conclusions,
The moment arrived because of and despite
Their mutual abandon.

They are at once spent and renewed.