I want to begin by saying thank you to all of my long time readers and fans (The Minions). You guys have been the cornerstone of my success, over the years, and I love you dearly.

The events over the last year have been remarkable. Seriously, I’m in awe. The site’s numbers are off the charts and a great deal of the reason is because of you all: the readers and bloggers…I appreciate your support.

This being said, there’s a whole new crowd of followers now on the site who aren’t as familiar with how we operate. I’d like to welcome you all. You’ll see we’re one big family around here so don’t be shy, jump right in. We chat about everything under the sun, no topic is off limits.

I don’t know how many of you know this, but I live with an attorney. In fact, sometimes I feel like I‘m surrounded by attorneys. Some of their “stuff” rubs off on me, so as I write this article I’m reminded of a legal term, “Quid Pro Quo”. Generally, it means, “if I give you something, you have to give me something.” Some would say that is one of the rules of the universe.

Let me explain how Quid Pro Quo works in our IRE.net community. I’ve received a boatload of emails asking the same questions. To answer:

No, I’m not a blogger turned author. I’m an author. I sell books, it’s what I do. If you would, please buy them…the links are provided or you can find them in stores.

What you’re reading are free shorter stories from published authors (for the most part). Writing is our passion and while we enjoy bringing you free reads we are still in the business. If our short stories have captured your attention then purchase our books.

Now, here is where some readers have got my goat, turtle, dogs, cats, bird, tarantula (Olga says I am one chimp named, “Bubbles” away from Neverland Ranch). My private inbox currently has over 8000 unread emails—most of which are comments related to stories/installments.

Please look at the bottom of the page. I mean it! Right now, look at the bottom of this page. You see the area where it says for you make your comments. It’s not there as a joke. Please use it.

This is where the Quid Pro Quo comes in. I ask authors, who submit outstanding work to me, or whom I admire, to contribute their work to this site. I try to do a good job of providing consistently good material for the readers to enjoy. There is no membership fee. No registration. No email subscriptions, and most importantly no banners, promotions from outside sites, or ads. IRE.net is a user friendly site where you can read to your heart’s content. It is really disappointing to the authors when you email me and don’t share your thoughts with them. Added bonus, you can remain completely anonymous. So while you get fresh, new material to enjoy, the authors would like to receive thoughtful comments about their work-that’s the payoff folks!

The practice of emailing me also inhibits the “community” feeling that I want to encourage on the site. If you have something to say, let it rip. I require that everyone be respectful to each other, so there shouldn’t be hesitancy to speak up. 

My gentlemen readers: You really have to “Man Up”. Let the women know what you think and stop using me as  a go between. Our conversations are awesome, but the whole “class” should really get a chance to talk, share, relate. What you have to say could later be material for a story and also allow the authors to gather the feedback they need to create stories that will appeal to both men and women.

Bottom line, I have to step back. 8,000 email demands that I step back. Each and every author, including myself, is eager to respond to your comments and can’t wait to receive the feedback; but friends, the emails are killing me.

Thanks for allowing me to rant. But really, use the comment section.

The site has an online, reader comment function so there is no excuse for not leaving feedback for every story you’ve enjoyed. It only takes a few minutes to tell authors that you’ve appreciated their efforts, and you can remain completely anonymous. If you prefer, you can send an email directly to the author. An email link is provided on each author's story index page for those authors who wish to have their email addresses made public. Remember, authors need to know that their stories are being read and appreciated. It's what keeps them writing more stories for you to enjoy.

My private inbox currently has over 8000 unread emails—most of which are comments related to stories/installments. I BEG you to please comment on the story post itself. The authors need and deserve your feedback. Please, for the love of Gmail, leave comments on the stories you’ve read. Good. Bad. Or indifferent. My inbox is bursting.

Alright, I can breathe again! Olga, Lydia, and Stephanie....thank you Ladies for always having my back.