I’m baacccckk! Well, almost back. I was away on medical leave after having minor surgery to remove a clot of my right lung. Remember the time I passed out? It was caused by exhaustion and lack of oxygen due to a small blockage. It was so small that my doctors didn’t catch it first time around. They found it on the second scan and removed it earlier this week. I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want to worry you....though I'm sure I'll get the bollocking of my life now. :) 

Everything went well and I’m home resting. Greg has me on limited access to all forms of media and I’m not fighting it. On the bright side they gave me some slammin’ drugs! I’m feeling no pain!!...though it have turned my writing to shit.

Greg’s been so stressed out. Honestly I don’t know how he’s holding up. I’m one lucky Lady.

I received an email from a reader asking why I capitalize the word ‘Lady”

Aside from habit, I do so out of respect for the female trailblazers. To me, ‘Woman’ sounds harsh….‘Chick’ sounds ghetto…. and ‘Girl’ sounds immature. ‘Lady’ encompasses womanly power. When I hear the word 'Lady' I think of my Grandmothers, my mother, and the Lena Hornes' of the world. Ladies aren’t pushovers, we’re fighters and alot stronger than people give us credit for being. But at the same time we have big thumping hearts.

So there’s your answer. Now, I’m going to take a nap.