If it's ever said that IRE.net doesn’t do its fair share of disseminating meaningless dribble to an unwitting populous, here’s a factoid that’ll have everyone at the holiday table steering clear of your Christmas pudding.

I can’t make this stuff up on a good day!

Ducks are known to engage in coercive sexual behavior, up to and including necrophiliac homosexual rape, as documented by an enterprising Dutch researcher C.W. (Kees) Moeliker in a paper entitled, appropriately enough, “The First Case of Homosexual Necrophilia in the Mallard Anas platyrhynchos”. And there are males of several different species of diving beetles who systematically hunt down and submerge the females underwater to weaken their resistance and prevent them from mating with other males.

That's jacked up!! Remember this the next time you and the kids are feeding ducks in the park. You might stumble upon a duck trying to get his leg over!