Our home is infested with our families. That’s right, parents and siblings from both sides. Everyone is here!

Now, the duration of my marriage has been spent playing the role of peacemaker between Greg and his younger brother Howard.

“Why’s that, Tracy?”

Because WASPs inherit an ironclad stoicism which helps them endure great peril with a kind of resigned fatalism that renders them oblivious to even the most extreme danger; fashion or otherwise. Talking about their feelings, however, doesn’t come as easy. In fact, it goes against some unwritten WASP code ethic.

Whatever…moving on

Like my sister Sissy, Howard says things without thinking, which normally sends everyone into gut-wrenching laughter. Case and point: we’re discussing our plans to spend the summer in England. Here we go…

Howard: Why the hell are you guys going to England? I’d starve over there. The food is disgusting and everything’s covered in brown gravy. Tea is their sole contribution. *rant rant rant*

Ten minutes later…

Howard: Where’s the Worcestershire sauce?

Everyone dies laughing and he doesn’t understand why. THIS is why I love Howard. It never occurred to him that Worcestershire sauce comes from Worcester, England.

Go Howard, Go Howard!

Tomorrow on "Tales from the Crib"
Eva gets a job and Greg loses his mind.