Interracial Erotica

Mark Farley

Sex writer specialising in erotic fiction for men and women of every sexuality, actively promoting sex-positive, liberated, open-minded behaviour and alternative lifestyles. Currently a columnist for Desire Magazine in the UK, he has contributed to Scarlet and Forum Magazine. His short stories are often featured in the Nexus and Xcite Books erotic compilations. He lives in London.
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  Blogs by this Author

You Can't Judge a Book By It's Cover

"Bloomsbury is ceasing to supply copies of the US edition of Magic Under Glass. The jacket design has caused offence and we apologise for our mistake. Copies of the book with a new jacket design wil...

    Last Weekend

    I’m not with my wife this evening, I’m with Heather. Not that my wife doesn’t know about Heather, she does and she’s more than happy about it. I just look for situations with...

      TMI Monday

      So, I was going to blog about the whole Louisiana couple denied marriage thing, but people on here have done far much better than I would have (which is the main reason I alerted Tracy to the story) a...

        War on Words

        I don’t want to feel left out on the sidelines here so in keeping with the tone of the blogs, I’m going to have a rant. Oh yes. And about my favourite subject. The media.Well, not the medi...

          ‘Namaste, Divine Shakti’

          “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” -B.B. KingI have always encouraged by my peers to learn new skills wherever possible and within this current clima...

            TMI Farley-Style

            Are you pro-marriage? Why or why not? Sure, if that’s what you want. I like commitment and showing your partner that you can be. I just don’t agree with it being a religious thing. I had t...


              6amI’m awake. Well, actually, I’ve been awake for a number of hours. Lying awake in bed, next to the breathing corpse that is my lover. I wouldn’t say I’m an insomniac at all, ...

                My Kinky Beginnings

                Like Tracy, our great leader, I’m a bit of a kink fan and like our great (wonderfully ranting) leader, I’m a bit of a switch when it come to my desires and perversions. It’s not so...

                  Group Sex and Sexual Freedom

                  "One learns a lot in orgy rooms. Camaraderie. Patience. Humour. Being gentle and generous with strangers. It's not all the depravity it's cracked up to be. Just a lot of frightened children being swee...
                    'Who writes best about sex?' - Kathy Lette in The TimesWhy indeed. You know what harms the sexual divide of this argument and puts back sexual politics even more? Kathy Lette writing this article in a...

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